Translation Services

What are examples of Commercial translation?

June 4, 2024

Commercial translation involves the translation of business-related documents and materials to facilitate communication between businesses, clients, and stakeholders in different linguistic and cultural contexts. Here are some examples of commercial translation: Commercial translation plays a crucial role in the global business environment, helping companies expand their reach, communicate effectively with clients and partners worldwide, and…

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What are examples of Legal translations?

March 21, 2024

As it is recommended that freelance translators specialize in certain fields to remain competitive, certain fields are popular in the industry and are needed in a variety of domains.  Within these fields, it is often useful for translators to define what types of documents they actually translate, making expectations clear for both them and clients.…

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What are the pros and cons of working  as a freelance translator?

March 21, 2024

Generations are considering what work means to them, both from a personal and professional perspective. One concept that has begun to take shape and rise in popularity during this deep reflection is the concept of gig-work. Freelancing, while accepting work on a job-to-job basis, certainly offers freedom and flexibility that can be absent while working…

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Is translation as clear-cut as it is set out to be?

March 21, 2024

Bilingualism is often assumed to make someone a qualified translator, i.e., converting one language into another. It may even seem common sense that having native skills in two languages would automatically make a great translator. Being highly proficient in a language means more of understanding the words more quickly, therefore, it would be easier to…

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